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HomeTV SeriesYoung JusticeSeason 2 › 2.04 Salvage

2.04 Salvage

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Nightwing, Wally West, Jim Harper, Green Arrow, and Black Canary reach out to Red Arrow, who has fallen into despair over his failed quest to find the original Roy Harper. Superboy, Blue Beetle, Wolf, and Super Sphere track Intergang leader, Bruno Mannheim, and his lieutenant, Whisper A'Daire, to the Hall of Justice, where the criminals reanimate the four Appellaxians into one Appellaxian Golem, which then attacks a nuclear power plant. Red Arrow returns home where Cheshire – now his estranged wife – is waiting for him. She had returned to a life of crime due to his obsession with finding the original Roy Harper, and has acquired a lead to the location of the original Roy.